Episode 25
NoteExpress中文破解版下载 v3.2.0.7276 - 软伀学堂:2021-5-2 · NoteExpress是一款国产的专业文献管理软伀,由北京爱琴海软伀公司开发,在国内公司和校园管理中有着很好的普及。内部集成全球300多个收费或者免费的数据库资源,通过联机检索,用户可伃轻松、高效地进行数据检索,并且可伃将检索的结果保存 ...
Episode 24
In this morning’s episode of Dev Minutes, Levi & Sarah talk about the past, present and future state of smartphones. Covering everything from the giant brick phones of the 80s to the latest Samsung Galaxy Fold.
Episode 23
As our group photo of bitmojis has been updated we welcome Kaisa Dum to the Pixel and Hammer team! To jazz up the episode Kaisa, Levi, Emily, Scott, and Sarah pulled random questions from a hat as well as talking about how they got started in the creative industry of web design, development, entrepreneurship, and […]
Episode 22
In today’s episode of Agency Hour, Levi McCurdy & Emily Bear interviewed Kevin Koskella. Kevin is an entrepreneur from California who runs the company Work Hero. With Work Hero you can grow your online business faster with a flat monthly fee, giving you access to unlimited technical tasks and graphic designs.
Episode 21
In this mornings episode of Developer Minutes Sarah & Levi sit down to talk about their favorite IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for coding website and software development. Sarah currently uses CodeAnywhere and Levi uses Coda2 but is looking to make a switch due to current bugs in the program.
Episode 20
The majority of the Pixel & Hammer team sit down to celebrate & talk about Treat Yo Self Day 2018. We talk about current treats as well as ways to help your business grow. We also talk about how to improve your website and it’s needs.
Episode 19
MoreExcel破解版下载_MoreExcel3破解版 v2.0.1 免费版 ...:2021-6-4 · MoreExcel破解版是一款附加于Excel表格上的多功能插伀,用户使用之后能够更好地个人行动或者默契地团队合作,打开同一个表格,共享查看编辑,新版的MoreExcel支持云计算,这和个和手机端产品,让你随时随地能够省心办公。
Episode 18
In this episode we had the privilege to talk to Josh Crain. Josh is the senior pastor at the Meeting House church in Carlisle, PA and is a certified StoryBrand consultant.
Episode 17
It’s a sad day as our two year intern Alex leaves us to attend Harvard University! Levi, Sarah, and Scott sit down to talk to Alex about his new journey.
Episode 16
Brandon Bear is the vice president and head of operations at Meadowbrooke gourds & the CFO at The Molly Pitcher Brewing Company. In today’s episode Levi & Emily talk to Brandon about his day to day, the challenges to managing the finances of three different companies, facebook marketing and how / when to hire new employees!
Episode 15
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Episode 14
Our intern Alex sat us all down to discuss the updates on internet privacy and how companies use your data online.